EDS Ireland - Providing Commercial and Residential Drain Solutions all over Ireland

Commercial Drain Solutions
We are the number 1 supplier of commercial drain solutions in Ireland. We've been serving the commercial sector with leading drain solutions for more than 30 years.

Residential Drain Solutions
We have expanded our business to offer a host of residential drain solutions. There is no job too small and equally no job too complex. Our team will deliver to your exact needs every time.
Recent News

Blocked Drains
Danger of Blocked Drains
Let’s face it, nobody likes having a blocked drain. On the surface it can cause very tangible problems such as surface water and waste along with all the nasty smells. […]

Dealing with floods
Dealing with floods
Despite the long stretch of fantastic weather we have had this summer, the past number of weeks have provided a stark reminder of how quick the sunshine can turn to floods. […]
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